jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

I've arrived

Yeah, sorry for not posting yesterday. You see, I had to unpack all my stuff, put them in my room... too much work to do. On the other hand... uncle Peter's house is not just a house, it's a mansion! I mean it, it's huge! There's tons of rooms. Kinda like the mansion in "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe". Except, you know, with no portals to another dimension.

So, I set up my stuff, including my gaming PC and my PS3. One good thing about Peter is that he'll let me play any horror game. Well, almost. He doesn't let me play Slender, for some reason. I don't care. There are other great horror games out there. I've also been rewatching a bit of Doctor Who, and I'm saving up for Kingdom Hearts 2.5.

But enough about media. One thing I've noticed about my uncle is that he's weird. Like, he constantly acts as though something is looking for him. He's also got this weird tattoo on his forehead. It's like a circle surrounded by electricity with a weird symbol inside. I have no idea what it means. Maybe he's part of a gang? Or a cult?

Yeah, right. Nothing exciting like that will ever happen in my life.

One strange thing I've noticed about this place, apart for it being between mountains, with the only way in being a cave, is that, at night, you can hear wallowing. Like, it actually sounds like people screaming. I've asked Peter, and he says that it's the wind blowing through the cave, making that noise, but I don't believe him. I'm sure I've heard sentences, distorted sentences, but understandable enough:

"We're cold," "Heat us," "We're freezing."

Seriously, it's the middle of the summer. Anybody else wants to die of hypothermia during it?

domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

Hello... I guess...

Hello, my name is Cathy Castillo. The psychiatrist the police took me to in case I had suffered some sort of depression told me to start a blog. I don't really liked the guy, so I decided to write it in English, just to spite him, since I realized he doesn't know a word of the language.

Oh, right, you don't know what happened. My parents died. Of hypothermia. During a hot summer day. The medics are still trying to figure out what the hell happened. I was outside the entire day. Watching the Day Of The Doctor special in the cinema. Yes, they died in November the 23rd, and it took about two weeks to get me sorted out. That's bureaucracy for you, I suppose.

Oh, and don't worry. I was never really attached to them. Really. The three of us are quite quiet and antisocial. We never bonded.

I believe I should talk a bit about myself. I'm a Doctor Who fan, of course. I like chocolate, like any sane person in the world, horror videogames,which my parents wouldn't let me play in one of the only things in which they expressed worry for me, games in general and, apparently, as I have recently found out, trolling. Not much, but... a bit.

Anyways, I need to get going. I have to go to live with some weird uncle I've never met. Wait, now that I think about it, I think he may have been in some of my birthday parties. Not to sure though.

Whetever. See ya.